Greetings, elephant lovers!
May was a busy month in the elephant world, but we have good news to share!
We are excited to announce there is a new rescue at Elephant Nature Park and her name is Sopa. Sopa’s path was one of abuse for decades and she worked as a slave to serve humans in the trekking industry. At 82, SoPa’s health began to steeply decline and it was her owner’s wish to see Sopa live her last days freely at Elephant Nature Park.
A 40k fundraising campaign to save Sopa was launched by one of our partners and we joined hands with them to be a part of this endeavor. Elephants Austin happily donated and collectively with others, SoPa’s chains are gone! .

Sopa is SAFE! She was rescued and is finding her footing at Elephant Nature Park, where freedom is abundant for all of the rescued elephants that reside there.
If you are interested in the ongoing care of Sopa, please visit our foster page: